Small Business
Direct Marketing Basics

Direct marketing is still effective. The hype and effectiveness of online contact get the most buzz ...

Small Business
Branding Your Business

An effective branding strategy makes your business stand out in a competitive marketplace. Online, it helps ...

Small Business
Creating an Online Presence

As a new startup or an existing brick and mortar business, building an online presence for yourself is ...

Small Business
Negotiating with Prospective Employees

Making an offer and negotiating pay with an ideal candidate can be a trying situation. On the one hand ...

Small Business
Using Contractors Instead of Employees

Employers are frequently filling jobs and finding the right person for each job is essential whether that ...

Small Business
Effective Employee Communications

Today, more so than any other time, businesses focus heavily on engaging customers, the media, investors ...

Small Business
Training and Educating Employees

Employees who are well-trained are an asset to any business. In a poor economy, unfortunately, the training budget ...

Small Business
Internet Marketing Basics

An online presence is a must for any business. According to eMarketer, estimates are that online sales in the U.S. will ...

Small Business
Measuring the ROI of Your Marketing Budget

These days, small businesses are under more pressure to prove ROI or return on investment of their marketing ...

Small Business
Affordable Marketing Strategies for Startups

Although running a startup business can be exciting, there is much strategic planning involved to get customers without ...

Small Business
Maintaining a Work/Life Balance

Maintaining a balance between your work life and personal life was a lot easier in earlier times it seems. Today ...

Small Business
Pricing Strategies

Profit is a large part of why you’re in business, and it definitely is what keeps you in business ...

Small Business
Compensation Basics

Compensation is the combination of salaries, wages and benefits that employees receive in exchange for them ...

Small Business
Hiring Your First Employee

As the owner of a small business, you know the importance of avoiding unnecessary costs. Because of this ...

Small Business
Attracting and Retaining Quality Employees

As a business owner, it is essential that you attract good employees. Likewise, you’ll also want to retain them as ...

Small Business
Running a Virtual Company

Operating a business on a virtual basis is quickly gaining in popularity. Although running a virtual company can be ...

Small Business
Social Media Marketing

Leveraging social media marketing can increase your customer base significantly ...

Small Business
Working With Outside Investors

Depending where they are in their startup phase, new businesses often get several types of investment funding ...

Small Business
Creating a Marketing Plan

A marketing plan is a roadmap to get your product into the hands of the customers who want or need it ...

Small Business
Selling Your Products Online

If you are contemplating selling products online, but you have not sold online before, there are some things ...

Small Business
Creating an Employee Handbook

As an employer and owner of a growing small business, good communication between yourself and your ...

Small Business
Gaining a Competitive Advantage

It takes extensive research and strategic planning to gain a competitive advantage. Every advantage is ...

Small Business
Sources of Start-Up Funding

You’ve come up with a plausible idea for a business. That is great! An idea gets you to the starting gate ...

Small Business
Time Management

Time is money, so managing this valuable resource is good for your bottom line. Time is a finite resource, so you ...

Small Business
Customer Lifetime Value

A widely recognized concept in marketing circles is customer lifetime value (CLV); however, not many ...

Small Business
Required Employee Benefits

As an employer and small business owner, you undoubtedly understand the importance offering your employees ...